Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Okay....I give up!!!

I've lost count...of how many times I've many times I've been so defeated...

In finding a pair of pants that will fit!!!! ugh!

Time and time again, I find a cute pair of jeans or pants...get what I believe will be the correct size...and believe me I'm not in denial! Get in the dressing room, already feel a panic attack coming on just from undressing in front of the full length mirror and oh so flattering florescent lights...

EVERY stinkin time they get stuck at my knees! I truly believe the butt and upper thigh will fit! But I. can't. get. them. up . over. my. knees!!

I mean really...I know I'm a "big boned" girl but I've seen some big girls wearing cute pants, even slim straight cut and skinny!

NEWS FLASH to  the clothing manufacturer....If my hips and rear end are a healthy size 14...then chances are my legs are NOT a size  8!

That is all....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"I'll be there for you...when the rain start's to fall..." sing it with all know it..the theme song to the hit 90's show Friends.

Webster's dictionary says a Friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. Friendship is the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.

I wasn't the most popular girl in my school age years. That's ok. Friendships in middle school and high school were hard. I did however have friends. I have a few memories of "friends" who really, looking back, were not my friend. Now some 20 plus years later I have sweet memories of the girlfriends who really were my friends.

As an adult , yes I guess it's time to own up to it... now that I'm 40, I'm still not the most popular girl. That's ok. Friendships in my adult life are hard. I think that's what I struggle with most. That as an adult friendships are hard! I guess I think they shouldn't be so difficult. I mean seriously...we are all grown up and have learned (well should have learned) how to be friends.

Some friends in life...
Just want to have fun.
Just need something from you.
Want to suck the life out of you.
Only cry on your shoulder.
Hurt you.
Talk bad about you.
Don't like you as much as you like them.
Think the worst.
Bring drama.
Hold grudges.

But then there are the friends...
Happy to do nothing with you.
Would do or give anything to help you.
Breathe life into you.
Let you cry on their shoulder.
Help put the bandaid on the hurts.
Brag on you.
Like you for you.
Think the best.
Calm life.

What kind of friend are you to those who call you friend?
I know which kind I want to be...I strive to be...I'm certainly not perfect nor am I claiming to have it all figured out...I am however thankful for the friends who have walked this journey with me...the ones who have been the loving example of friendship and helped me be a better friend...

We have moved alot! In each new place I ask God to send me one friend ...just one please...He always does...sometimes I get more than I asked for...seems like the friends that truly touch my heart, that God sends, are the ones who mutually want the same things out of our friendship. Kinda like in the definition "a bond of mutual affection" .

I've learned a lot from the other type of friendships...the ones I try to force...maybe God is trying to tell me something...obviously to BE a better look more like the second list...and maybe to look for those qualities in my friends as well...learning as I go along...

Proverbs 27:9 "Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul"

My prayer is that my friendship to those around me will be refreshing to the soul.

Have a blessed day my friend!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Morning's

Well, it's Sunday morning....I'm skipping church. Now don't take that the wrong way, I've been going to church since I was 11 years old &I might add, I went because I wanted to...not because my parents made me go (they didn't go).

Skip forward 28 hubby is a pastor, has been for 12 years now. That means for the last 12 years we rarely have a weekend off, not to mention that I've also been a hairdresser for 20 years and that does require working a Saturday every now and then. Anyway...usually the only weekends we have "off" are when we are on vacation....We are on vacation now:)

We spent a week at the beach...which was wonderful and low key...just what our little family of 7 needed. We got home yesterday, got the Silver Bullet (that's our nick name for our van:) unloaded, laundry started, house picked up, groceries now what it's like when you get home from a week away? Fun isn't it??

Hubby has today off too!! And can you guess what the preacher wanted to do today?? Go to church...but not our church! So as I type he and our three boys are at church, the one in town that meets at the skating rink, and myself and the girls are home.

I guess I've always judged people who wanted to skip church every now and then, thought to myself, why would you want to miss out on hearing from God? Seeing your wonderful church family, being encouraged? Don't you have your priorities in know God first...ALL that other stuff in life second?....but today I get has gotten so busy, I barely have any down time, and this morning offered some to me. Feels like an extra day off!

Now...don't get me wrong..I'm not saying that it's okay to skip church and let all the other things in life get in the way...I do think it's easy to let that happen though. I do feel sad for families who have let the crazy life they lead push out the one thing that can help, encourage, lift up, save, and give true purpose to life...out because they are tired or need to get house work done.

Truth is I really miss my church family, it's been almost two weeks since I've talked to or seen any of them. They are a part of my life, even all the crazies , I love and miss them. I know that God wants me to put Him first because I want to, not because I have to. He want's me to make time for Him, daily, and his CHURCH, which would be my church family. They are the ones He uses to encourage me, lift me up, love me when I'm unloveable....and if I choose to allow Him to use me I can be the one who returns the favor for them:) It's a beautiful thing...I miss them...

So while I am skipping today...I'll be back, and thankful that I can go, looking for new ways He can use me. Maybe to encourage those who let the little things in life get in the way...

Have a blessed day:)